2011 things . . . (week 20)

June 16, 2011

This week I thought I would change up my 2011 list a bit. In honor of Father’s Day (and because I have a really great Dad), this list is all about things I’m thankful for about my Dad.

960. braiding mine and Kendra’s hair when we were kids
961. your love of reading
962. going to work with you
963. being my first fan
964. listening
965. bear hugs
966. your courage to change
967. taking my art to show others without me knowing . . . and getting me my first art exhibition
968. your love
969. watching you become the best version of you
970. encouraging me to press on
971. always, always making Christmas special
972. allowing me time to grow
973. instilling in me the importance of family
974.  your aviation hobby
975. letting me play my music loud
976. when you grill
977. taking an extra job when we were in college
978. the way you love my mom
979. sharing your books
980. your double chocolate cake
981. letting us be silly
982. discipline
983. introducing me to God
984. teaching me that mediocrity is not an option
985. always being there
986. you’re always evolving . . . always for the better
987. putting us (the kids) in swimming lessons every summer
988. family vacations
989. the time you came to school during the middle of the work day to untangle my solar system project
990. raising us around music
991. going swimming together
992. writing us letters
993. teaching us manners
994. flying kites in the field
995. your beard
996. praying for me
997. putting together my furniture
998. your kind heart
999. playing softball in the backyard
1000. just being you

(photos by Ann Kelle)

posted by kelle at 9:06 am
(1) Comment

One Comment

  1. so sweet. what a great dad you have! I esp. like” # 989, 966 & 960. Happy Father’s day Kelle’s dad 🙂