2011 things . . . (week 21)

June 23, 2011

Each week I’ll be posting things I’m thankful for. Read more about it here.
Week 1Week 5Week 10Week 15Week 20)

1001. Starbucks gift card
1002. short airplane trips
1003. sitting between my sister and brother on the plane
1004. daily housekeeping in the hotel
1005. the smell of the ocean
1006. birds perched on the pier
1007. the sound of ocean waves crashing
1008. watching my grandma play Wii’s Just Dance
1009. not having to cook for 5 days
1010. not gaining weight on vacation
1011. laughing with my family
1012. new notebook
1013. my Aunt KK’s humor
1014. the sound of kids playing outside
1015. learning to bite my tongue
1016. doing cartwheels in the park
1017. still being able to do a cartwheel
1018. going to H&M
1019. seeing Ryaan graduate
1020. my grandma’s homemade fried rice
1021. people who have tact
1022. being over half way through my “2011 things” list for the year
1023. a good watermelon
1024. seeing a baby swaddled in my fabric at the airport . . . this was cool!
1025. Matthew giving me a hug every time I saw him
1026. go kart racing
1027. watching an older couple dance in the park
1028. my uncle Ralph’s love
1029. an active imagination
1030. seeing my parents everyday for 5 days in a row
1031. finding a new podcast
1032. not being afraid to dream
1033. chasing fireflies
1034. pedicures
1035. my grandma teaching me to knit
1036. waking up super early to get a head start on the day
1037. my uncle Michael grilling
1038. pocket tissues
1039. no travel delays
1040. sleeping in my bed

(photo by Ann Kelle)

posted by kelle at 10:06 am
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