2011 things . . . (week 30)

September 01, 2011

Each week I’ll be posting things I’m thankful for. Read more about it here.
(Week 1Week 5Week 10Week 15Week 20Week 25)

1361. the smell of coffee
1362. getting lost in drawing
1363. living in a city that has a Trader Joe’s
1364. not giving up
1365. my brother moved to Nashville
1366. running into my brother randomly around town
1367. safety on the road
1368. love
1369. metallic polka dots
1370. when food taste better the next day
1371. whispers
1372. a fresh outlook
1373. a sofa to sit on
1374. changing the light bulbs accident free
1375.  comforting hugs
1376. Nashville’s landscape
1377. decorating ideas
1378. billboards
1379. 83 degree weather
1380. people being safe during hurricane Irene
1381. satellites and radars that track coming storms
1382. mandarin oranges in a salad
1383. lifted hands
1384. garden rooms
1385. Friday afternoons
1386. frizz-free hair days
1387. healed scars
1388. the excitement of couple who are expecting their first baby
1389. networking for others
1390. sitting through a 2 day conference and not being bored
1391. biting my tongue
1392. balloons
1393. choosing to see the good
1394. “treat receipts”
1395. not putting things off
1396. completed road construction
1397. “cheat meals”
1398. clear roads
1399. new print for my wall
1400. weekend plans

(photos by Ann Kelle)

posted by kelle at 9:09 am
(2) Comments


  1. kristina says:

    I always love your lists. 🙂

    Hugs! Happy September to you, Kelle!

  2. kelle says:

    Thanks Kristina:)