2011 things . . . (week 4)

February 24, 2011

Each week I’ll be posting things I’m thankful for. Read more about it here.
(Introduction, Week 1, Week 2, Week 3)

181. my 9 aunts
182. my 4 uncles
183. my 28 cousins
184. plaid shirts
185. my college years
186. Dad’s restored health
187. fresh air
188. the moon
189. blowing bubbles
190. surviving high school
191. missionaries
192. love
193. Hello Kitty
194. not being addicted to coffee anymore
195. someone to help open stubborn jars
196. good yoga teachers
197. my sister’s humor . . . nobody can make me laugh like her
198. 70 degree weather in the winter
199. not having to wear a coat
200. new twin babies, Natalie and Matthew
201. waking up to the sun peeking out behind the blinds
202. happy emails with cool news
203. comfy office chair
204.  news of a new fabric line . . . something yummy
205. the mute button . . . I mute all TV commercials
206. kendra estella-rose (shout out out to my big sis!)
207. getting the first parking spot at the crowded gym
208. sea salt
209. workdays that fly by
210. completing boring projects
211. warm water
212. agave nectar
213. shout color catcher . . . I wash all my stripes in this
214. new windshield wipers
215. the sales person changing my windshield wipers in the cold rain
216. converse shoes
217. motorcycle helmets to keep motorists safe
218. finishing work projects early
219. meeting my dad for lunch
220. dropping my phone, but it not breaking
221. coffee shops
222. playing with baby Keegan
223. a warm coat
224. hats for bad hair days
225. Little House of the Prairie
226. maintenance light on car is on, but finding out nothing major is wrong
227. days filled with hope
228. momentum
229. Silly Goose restaurant . . . you are my fav!
230. getting my taxes done early
231. my dad celebrated another year of life
232. having a backup computer
233. Adobe Illustrator . . . oh, how I love thee!
234. someone to change the light bulbs . . . this is no small feat, the ceilings are very high and a ladder is necessary
235. discernment
236. honey
237. peace
238. my yellow hoodie . . . it brightens my day
239. stepping out of the boat
240. thirst for God

(photos by Ann Kelle)

posted by kelle at 9:02 am
(6) Comments


  1. Miriam says:

    yeah #200!! 🙂

  2. Carin says:

    I have all of the seasons of Little House on the Prairie 🙂
    It’s scarier than I remember it being as a child–and lots of scary men 🙂

    • kelle says:

      You are SO right, it is scarier watching it as an adult!!! Although, I do remember being traumatized as a child when Mary lost her eyesight. I have never quite gotten over that episode. Several people have recommended One Thousand Gifts. I just started reading it. I’m only at the very beginning.

  3. Carin says:

    By the way, have you read 1000 gifts by ann voscamp?–what you are doing reminds me of what she does in the book.

  4. Rebekah says:

    Oh ya! Little House on The Prairie rocks! I love that show!