2011 things . . . (week 8)

March 24, 2011

Each week I’ll be posting things I’m thankful for. Read more about it here.
(IntroductionWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6, Week 7)

421. justice
422. footstools
423. the sun coming out after a cloudy day
424. answers to questions
425. waiters that are genuinely nice
426. overcoming a fear of mountains
427. prayers for Japan
428. buckets to hold things
429. joyful songs
430. lip gloss
431. sheep
432. iron gates
433. endurance
434. learned lessons from the past
435. calm seas
436. fair judges
437. pouch made out of my fabric . . . thank you, Christine!
438. scented candles
439. firm handshakes
440. the sound of a harp
441. softened hearts
442. rest
443. strength
444. deep, thick forests
445. devotion
446. Loveless Cafe
447. a 15 minute power nap
448. prayers answered quickly
449. green grass
450. the beginning of spring
451. the smell of cut grass
452. people outside enjoying the weather
453. peaceful dwellings
454. children’s art
455. people leaving “block” messages to me
456. air hockey
457. strong bones
458. spending the entire day with friends
459. eating at my favorite sushi place
460. going home for the day
461. getting my hair washed
462. a gracious host
463. compassion
464. a field of flowers
465. chevron list pad
466. filling salads
467. not having an hour commute
468. hopscotch
469. firm foundations
470. equality
471. shopping online
472. recycling
473. hole punchers
474. a nail file
475. another year of life
476. spending my birthday with my favorite people
477. not having to hurry
478. oversized purses
479. pretty tissue paper
480. spring break
(photos by Ann Kelle)

posted by kelle at 9:03 am
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