2011 things . . . (week 9)

April 01, 2011

Each week I’ll be posting things I’m thankful for. Read more about it here.
(IntroductionWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7, Week 8)

481. a thoughtful present
482. having hard conversations
483. sparkly bracelet I found at a vintage store
484. attending art exhibits
485. an artist’s process of creating
486. encouragement from a stranger
487. curly hair
488. big smiles
489. laughing from the belly
490.  birthday phone calls
491. my aunt singing me “happy birthday”
492. a duck’s webbed feet
493. early morning runs in the park
494. new designs
495. clean parks
496. when my Dad grills
497. “work” not feeling like “work”
498. blog of the week on Decor8, thank you Holly
499. my soft cozy shirt
500. organized days
501. living in the same city as my best friend
502. the ability to walk
503. new designs being picked up
504. spring daffodils
505. the clicking sound of a keyboard
506. going a month without caffeine . . . I was drinking Caramel Macchiato’s WAY to much
507. overnight deliveries
508. Penelope’s argyle purses for a golf themed bachelorette party
509. clean counters
510. my Mom’s old belt
511. soup that heals
512. passing a test
513. vacuum cleaners
514. homemade soup
515. sprinkles on sugar cookies
516. grocery store within walking distance
517. life wake-up calls
518. humble people
519.  working kidneys
520. the smell of mint
521. chocolate smoothies
522. my grandfather Boyd’s legacy
523. color crush: seafoam and buttercup
524. crushed ice
525. clean air
526. clear direction
527. farmers
528. a dictionary
529. journals with lined pages
530. hummus
531. Shamar being able to walk
532. spare buttons that come with clothes
533. ginger
534. breeze from an open window
535. calculator
536. calming music
537. sharp knife
538. parents are still living
539. “G” of the Sea, Harajuku Lovers perfume
540. God’s power

(photos by Ann Kelle)

posted by kelle at 9:04 am
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