fabric sighting . . .

March 01, 2012

These are the most sturdiest little fabric storage bins. Plus, they’re super cute and made by one of the sweetest gals, Christie. Visit her shop to see all of her beauties. Besides being a great organizer, it could also serve as a basket to hold goodies for a gift.

(photo by The Spotted Barn)

posted by kelle at 10:03 am
(8) Comments


  1. Chelley Black says:

    I have been wanting to make some of these bins. They look so cute in your fabric!

  2. Steph says:

    This is so sweet! I want to make some of these for my new baby’s room…

  3. What an adorable bag. I just love it!

  4. Penny Holliday says:

    So very cute & I love the fabric!! This would make an especially cute Easter Basket than after Easter could be used as a storage bin for fabric or other things such as toys, maybe a tote or ?

  5. Carla says:

    Do you have a tutorial for making the fabric basket? It is darling!!

    • kelle says:

      Isn’t it cute! She did a great job on the basket! I don’t have a tutorial, but there are some online. Just do a search for “fabric storage basket”.