DIY 10 minute headband

February 28, 2012

(Morgan is here from Sweet Stitches to share with you guys a SUPER simple tutorial . . . even I could make this with my minimal sewing skills).

Hi! I am so excited to be doing a guest-post here on Kelle’s blog! Thank you for having me! Got 10 minutes, some scrap fabric and a rubber band? Then you have all you need to make a cute and useful headband perfect for those bad hair days, working out, or hanging out!

I came up with this headband when I was pregnant with my daughter, for those days when I didn’t feel like fixing my hair. I probably made at least 10 just for me! It really is a very easy project, I hope you all get a lot of use out of it.

First, gather your supplies:
– Scrap piece of fabric
– rubber hair band
– scissors
– marking pen
– straight pens
– iron
– sewing machine

1. Cut your fabric to 21″x3.5″.

2. Fold the fabric piece in half (with right sides together) long ways and sew along the unfinished edge with a 1/4 seam allowance. Flip right side out. Using your iron, press the headband so that the seam is in the middle of one side. (See the picture if you are unsure of what I mean.) The side with the seam is now the ‘bottom’ side of the headband.

3. With the bottom side facing up, fold down the corners of one end to make a point. Press with your iron.

4. Grab your rubber band and fold the pointed edge of the headband over it and pin. Make sure you are pinning on the side with the seam.

5. Sew a triangle onto the folded point of the headband.

6. Repeat steps 3-5 with the other unfinished end. Make sure not to twist the headband.

That’s it! Fast and easy.

* Please note: to put on, I find it easiest to place the rubber band at the back of your head then pull on. 

Thank you so much Kelle, for letting me share my fun little tutorial on your blog!

posted by kelle at 10:02 am
(23) Comments


  1. Cari says:

    so cool! and it looks super easy….can’t wait to try it!

  2. kristina says:

    What a cute, simple headband! Love it! Thanks so much, Kelle & Morgan! 🙂

  3. Joanne says:

    I love this!! Thanks for the great tutorial!!

  4. Tina Festorazie says:

    You are so creative. Your tutorial was awesome, very easy to follow. I can’t wait to make some of these.

    Thank you.

  5. Alison says:

    Thanks for the tutorial! This was so quick and easy. I will be making a bunch of these for the summer. This style has a tendency to slide back on my head so I made mine a little bit smaller. Might try hand sewing a little comb onto the inside to secure it in place.

  6. Christine Hart says:

    So cute

  7. Lorie says:

    I made 8 of these tonight! Love them! Thanks for posting this tutorial.

  8. […] And Sew it Goes – Fabric iPad Tote – DIY 10 Minute Headband […]

  9. […] Pour le tissu, coupez une bande d’environ 50 cm de long et de 12 cm de large, ça dépend de la largeur finale que vous souhaitez … 12 cm donne un serre-tête de 5 cm de large une fois terminé. On plie le tissu endroit sur endroit et on pique sur toute la longueur à 1 cm du bord pour former un tube. Retournez le tissu sur l’endroit … et pour ça, voilà un petit truc : accrochez ensemble avec une épingle un ruban à une extrémité du tube, et accrochez une épingle à nourrice à l’autre bout du ruban. En partant du côté où votre ruban est accroché au tissu, enfilez votre ruban à l’intérieur du tube de tissu en “poussant” votre épingle à nourrice, et quand elle ressort de l’autre côté, vous tirez et le tube se retourne … magique !  (source) […]

  10. Kim says:

    Thanks for the tutorial! I just made a leopard print headband while getting ready for work. I’m disorganized, so it took me 20 minutes… but I’m sure that if I had everything set up beforehand it would have taken 10.

  11. Amy DeCesare says:

    Wow! That is so cute and clever! Simple, yet unexpected – I love it!!!

  12. Riley says:

    Wow. I just tried this and it only took me 5 minutes!!! I love it so much!❤❤

  13. Cindy says:

    Tried it today with a no sew method. I used 1 1/2 in grosgrain ribbon a small rubber ban and hot glued the ends. I used the hot glue for a temporary bond for sizing. In a pinch the glue should hold. Can’t wait to try more with scrap fabric and or old tee shirts!

  14. Becky says:

    I was wondering what kind of material do you use? A stretchy type material or what? TIA

  15. Hope says:

    I love this idea ! I’ve made a few in the past but not with the smaller elastic bands.