2011 things . . . (week 13)

April 29, 2011

Each week I’ll be posting things I’m thankful for. Read more about it here.
Week 1Week 5Week 10Week 11, Week 12)

681. my Mom celebrated another birthday
682. finding my green bracelet I had forgotten all about
683. holding a newborn baby
684. putting a newborn baby to sleep
685. new workout routine
686. a clean desk
687. the honesty of children
688. recycling
689. finally finding oversized workout headbands
690. people who motivate you
691. fitness trainers who want you to succeed
692. going to bed early
693. homemade italian dressing
694. patterned pencils
695. a pat on the back
696. the excitement of starting to read a new book
697. a time of preparation
698. people that remember your name
699. a good attitude
700. calm and peaceful mornings
701. Proverbs 3
702. sound judgement
703. lint removers
704. diligence
705. past mentors, Ellen Zinkiewicz and Lisa Pote
706. an iron to get out stubborn wrinkles
707. the first gleam of dawn
708. sliced bread
709. not having to wear a scarf for warmth anymore . . . hello, spring!
710. the gracefulness of a deer
711. J Alexanders
712. blogs that inspire
713. finding brand new clothes from last year while getting out spring/summer clothes
714. warms sheets out of the dryer
715. my childhood dog, Hannibal
716. children who hum while they play
717. teamwork
718. bunny stamp on gift tag
719. breakfast food
720. a second wind

(photos by Ann Kelle)

posted by kelle at 9:04 am
(1) Comment

One Comment

  1. starjumper says:

    i’m totally digging the purple + green!