2011 things . . . (week 19)

June 09, 2011

Each week I’ll be posting things I’m thankful for. Read more about it here.
Week 1Week 5Week 10Week 15Week 16Week 17, Week 18)

920. fabric softener
921. paper toys
922. inspiration boards
923. the food processor
924. drama that ends
925. laying by the pool
926. seeing my parents renew their vows after 40 years of marriage
927. tweaking my workout routine
928. the sound of the ice cream truck
929. fun vacation bible schools
930. healthy babies
931. not being in a rush
932. my grandfather’s grin
933. grocery carts to carry heavy groceries
934. running through the sprinklers
935. cute tweezers
936. the sound of crinkled tissue paper
937. life’s wake-up calls
938. sound reasoning
939. foodies sharing restaurants to visit
940. supportive friends
941. mediators
942. fresh flowers on a table
943. lifeguards
944. rainbows
945. finding pine nuts on sale
946. affirming words
947. lemon scented hand soap
948. a clear mind
949. unspoiled children
950. productivity
951. a place for a loved one to recover
952. unexpected good news
953. meeting deadlines
954. low blood pressure
955. sunny days
956. favor
957. seeing hard work pay off
958. bananas
959. strengthening weaknesses
960. watching my mom and dad hold hands while walking down the street

(photo by Ann Kelle)

posted by kelle at 10:06 am
(1) Comment

One Comment

  1. I have love reading these favorite things about you. It is so inspirational to find all this happiness in such small delights. Congrats to your parents & your many other little sweet things in this list!