2011 things . . . (week 28)

August 18, 2011

Each week I’ll be posting things I’m thankful for. Read more about it here.
(Week 1Week 5Week 10Week 15Week 20Week 25)

1281. cooler weather . . . please stay!
1282. chevron tray on sale
1283. working out by the pool
1284. unique jewelry
1285. portobello mushrooms
1286. someone else ironing my clothes
1287. quiet, but sincere worship
1288. challenging myself
1289. spending time with God
1290. dance class
1291. being okay with making a fool of myself in dance class
1292. big brothers that take care of their younger sisters
1293. not crying when given not-so good news
1294. Poppy King lipstick (coral + red)
1295. the way Jamme (hair stylist) washes my hair
1296. Wednesday’s bible study
1297. paper dolls
1298. balancing the checkbook
1299. reconciling bank statements
1300. pixie haircuts
1301. diverse flags displayed
1302. eggs
1303. not being allergic to chocolate
1304. the book “Frog and Toad are Friends”
1305. things that make preparing food easier
1306. my best friend
1307. i wore jeans for the first time in awhile
1308. tall trees
1309. affordable art
1310. pot holders
1311. making a master calendar for work
1312.  vintage spoons
1313. cursive writing
1314. House Industries catalog
1315. toothless smiles
1316. rocking chairs
1317. happy thoughts
1318. thoroughly cleaning out the refrigerator . . . it now sparkles!
1319. fixing the broken door
1320. fall is almost here!

posted by kelle at 9:08 am
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