2011 things . . . (week 33)

September 23, 2011

Each week I’ll be posting things I’m thankful for. Read more about it here.
(Week 1Week 5Week 10Week 15Week 20Week 25)

1481. fatherly, concerned texts from my dad
1482. un-fogged head
1483. sparkly blue bracelet
1484. meeting deadlines while sick
1485. thinking something, then someone confirming what you thought
1486. getting inside before it rains
1487. being surprised by fireworks outside the window
1488. having enough energy to get out of bed
1489. relief from congestion
1490. flats with bows
1491. soft, moisturized tissues for sneezing
1492. learning “true” rest involves not only physical rest, but mental rest
1493. friends who bring you soup when you’re sick
1494. God’s best
1495. chicken noodle soup
1496. drivers that let pedestrians cross
1497. choosing joy
1498. the woman who helped clean my mat at the gym
1499. cat naps
1500. finding a movie you’ve been wanting in the store on sale!
1501. humming
1502. patterned hair clips
1503. sleeping while it rains outside
1504. paper lanterns
1505. still waters
1506. splitting meals at a restaurant
1507. girl talk
1508. watching the video of baby Keegan playing with the dump truck
1509. gerber daisies on sale for only $2
1510. pistachios
1511. candles at dinner
1512. walking with my hands in my pockets
1513. returned calls
1514. books with cloth covers
1515. saving coins in a piggy bank
1516. good memories of an old friend
1517. tears of joy
1518. silence
1519. when the clouds break and the sun appears
1520. it’s officially Fall

(photo by Ann Kelle)

posted by kelle at 10:09 am
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