2011 things . . . (week 17)

May 26, 2011

Each week I’ll be posting things I’m thankful for. Read more about it here.
Week 1Week 5Week 10Week 11Week 12Week 13Week 14Week 15, Week 16)

841. rolled up jeans
842. speech therapists
843. pearl necklaces . . . i have a collection.
844. going in the opposite direction of traffic
845. headaches that cease
846. strokes that aren’t fatal
847. encouraging phone calls
848. God is never caught off guard
849. my monogramed designs
850. sunglasses to cover tired eyes
851. going to church
852. Trader Joe’s Gluten Free Ginger Snaps
853. knowledge
854. gutsy people
855. celebrating birthdays
856. forward thinking
857. camera phones
858. Eye Fi
859. a quiet moment to regroup
860. people who aren’t rude
861. a clean car trunk
862. ladybugs
863. fish ponds
864. black bean patties
865. hair pins
866. wisdom from an unlikely place
867. a hot shower after a stressful day
868. the still small voice
869. feathers
870. foot massages
871. zippers
872. dresses and skirts with pockets
873. yawning
874. the end of the school year
875. field day
876. dancing
877. simplicity
878. the book Modern Paper Crafts
879. a stranger’s prayer
880. apples with no blemishes

(photos by Ann Kelle)

posted by kelle at 9:05 am
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